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INDICATION / BENEFITSThe SBL’s Homoeopathic Home Kit aid is a collection of essential medicines used to provide initial treatment for injuries and illnesses. Unexpected accidents with adults and children can always happen at home. A first aid kit like SBL Homoeopathic Home Kit provides pain relief, addresses any symptoms of emergency like vomiting or loose motions, a cut with a razor blade, a burn from a hot plate, a sting by a bee or insect, a fall from a stool or staircase is common place or a sudden allergic reaction. A well-prepared first aid kit is essential for homes, workplaces, cars, and outdoor activities.Ailments covered by SBL Homoeopathic Home Kit :Ailments Indicated RemediesAcidity Bio-Combination #25Acne Hepar Sulph 30Bruises Arnica 200 & Arnica OintmentBurns, Scalds (minor) Cantharis 30 & Cantharis OintmentColic (pain) Colocynthis 30Common cold AF TabsConstipation Nux Vomica 30Cough Belladonna 30Cuts Calendula OintmentDiarrhoea (loose motions) Podophyllum 30Ear ache Chamomilla 30 & Mullein ear dropsFlatulence Carbo Vegetalis 30Indigestion Pulsatilla Nigricans 30Insect Bite Ledum palustre 30Muscle cramps Magnesia Phosphorica 6xJoint Pain Rhus Tox 200Sleeplessness Tranquil tabletsTonsillitis Tonsilat tabletsToothache Staphysagria 200Trauma AT TabsTravel Sickness Cocculus Indicus 30Vomiting Ipecacuanha 30